Monday, October 18, 2010

"All Summer in a Day" Short Story Response

Me, sitting in the back of the language arts room with a book I front of my face, pretending to silently read this boring book, after all, those were the nasty teachers orders. Instead, my thoughts creep into the back of my head, all of them about the short story that we read yesterday, “All Summer in a Day” by Ray Bradbury. Even though most kids these days have a ton of friends and family, everyone should still fear isolation because of loss of friendships and a lot of difficult times.

Children should fear isolation because of many reasons. One of which the main character, Margot, got locked in a closet with nobody else, and she had no friends. If children don’t have any friends, who should they go to for advice besides their parents? All children need friends and family to help them get through their lives. I know that if I lost all of my friends in within a week I would be really sad and not be able to have any fun anymore. Without fun, the world would literally be black in every child’s mind, and children are supposed to be happy people.

Every child in the world needs friends and family to help people be themselves. Each and every person has a different personality, and they all have friendships too. Even if you think that the world is going to end because of a tragic event or something, things will eventually get better.

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