Monday, October 18, 2010

Classroom Changes

Slowly falling asleep on the hard desks with a book in front of your face, trying to stay clear of the teacher’s nasty glare. The metal chairs numb your tailbone, and even the squeaky noise from the whiteboard markers gently puts you to sleep. Kids come to school because their parents tell them to, and when they walk into their first class, the day just drags on and on because of the boring classrooms, so we must remodel them to make kids want to come to school everyday.

The very first thing that I must change is the flooring. Right in the middle of the room is an inclined floor, filled with wonderfully furry beanbags, with scientific laptops on top of them. Around the focus of the floor is carpet, which is hot pink, with lime green polka dots. In addition to the polka dots are some tiny patches of neon orange, and on the top floor, the carpet is cocoa brown for relaxation.

Another way I should change up the classroom is different ways to get up to the second floor. Instead of staircases and elevators, I’d put in a rock climbing wall and firemen poles. The rock climbing wall is covered in many different colored rocks, and the fireman poles are a really bright gold. Then, for handicapped purposes, there is a glass elevator in the corner.

In addition to the beautiful carpeting and the fun ways to get up to the second floor, I would like to add a delicious food station on the top floor. The brown wooden table is made out of oak, and the food is catered. Next to the table of food is a miniature refrigerator, for healthy drinks like milk, and bottles of water. Sitting in the corner is a funnel cake maker, and then right next to the funnel cake maker is a hot chocolate maker, for the freezing cold days in the English room. By the way, on the warmer days, there is a little cabana hut in the opposite corner with a Mexican guy making blue raspberry and cherry slushies.

Because of kids not wanting to come to school, these changes will definitely make kids rethink about it. This different styled school would make all kids excited about getting up in the morning. If you want to make school a little more fun for kids to hang out with their friends and also learn new things, change the designs for all of the children out there who don’t like school as much.

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