Monday, October 18, 2010

A Tree Grows in Brooklyn: Second Response

I am alone, sitting on the lonely curb on the street, wishing that I at least had a quarter to get me some decent food tonight, instead of wandering to a sordid trash can for my distasteful dinner. It's so filthy and revolting that it makes me want to starve myself until I die; maybe death is better than all of this. Even though money isn't that important, compared to something like friends or family, it is still very meaningful in a person's life in many different ways.

A Tree Grows in Brooklyn by Betty Smith is a very good book for explaining that money is somewhat crucial in a young girl's life. One way that money was needed in Francie's life was when she was going to her old school back in Brooklyn, she was being treated unfairly because she did not have as much money as the other students. Because of this, Francie ended up wetting her pants in the back of the classroom, and Sissy had to come after school and make up this huge lie so Francie would not get embarrassed again. After she switched to her new school at the other side of Brooklyn, she was not accustomed to getting respected equally because of her money situation. This new school is much more sophisticated than her last one, so the teachers and staff at this school didn't care how much money you have, they give you the same amount of attention as if you were rich beyond notice.

Another reason that money is needed in the Nolan family life besides respect is for example after Johnny died, they were short one working person. The group was so desperate that the local saloon owner who was a close friend of Johnny's had to give them jobs just so they could pay the rent. Not including anything else, just the rent. Right before graduation, Katie had another child -- Laurie they named it -- which made it even more of a struggle for the family because it meant they would need to buy more food, more clothes, more everything! After graduation, must of the families went to the ice cream shop to celebrate, and Francie was worried if Katie was going to tip the waiter of not, and she ended up giving the rest of the change to him, and that was the remainder of their money. Evy mentioned it to her, but Katie acted like she didn't even notice what she just did and what is going on in her life at the moment's notice.

Money is very important in an average family's life because it makes them feel special, or maybe like they are the richest people in the world; but it could also make them feel poor, and ruin their life experiences. If you are a truly smart person, one of the qualitites that you need is that you will not waste your valuables like most people tend to do. This family in the novel has done both -- wasted it and kept good care of it. Don't make this mistake like the Nolans have done.

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