Monday, October 18, 2010

A Tree Grows in Brooklyn: First Response

Sitting on the living room couch, looking around the ginormous area, I see all of my wonderful relatives reuniting with me. This is the special moment that every person wishes they could have. Some families are very unfortunate to lose family members, and a person may have a hard time trying to live their life the way that they used to. Family should be one of everybody's top priorities because if we grow apart from our family members, things will just keep getting worse and worse, and before you know it, they will roll right down the hill of your drastic life.

In this book, A Tree Grows in Brooklyn by Betty Smith, one of the reasons that family is important is because everybody needs somebody to go to for advice. For example, when Francie goes to her mom, Katie, for some guidance about her changes, she realizes that she needs help. That is what family is for -- to help you with the things that you cannot do alone. Another way that family is crucial is that even though every family has some fights, eventually they get through them. Like when Johnny and Katie have spurts where they get mad at one another, the next day most likely they forgot all about what happened previously and start fresh again.

There are many different reasons why people these days have lost some relatives, but if you really do care, you will never let them out of your grasp. Do not ever fail to keep your family with you in the long run, and they will always be with you too.

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